12 studies for small groups or individuals. Jonah,Hannah,Samuel, Abraham,Caleb&Joshua,Elijah,Achan, King Saul,Daniel,Esther,David,Moses
LifeBuilder Series: Old Testament Characters, Peter Scazzero
10 studies for small groups or individuals. Anna & Simeon, A throw away woman, A blind beggar, Mary Magdalene, Simon, A jailor, and others
LifeBuilder Series: New Testament Characters, Caroline Nystrom
12 studies for groups or individuals. The first woman, Sarah&Hagar, Miriam, Rahab, Ruth, Naomi, Hannah, Abigail & others
LifeBuilder Series: Women of the Old Testament, Gladys Hunt
10 studies for groups or individuals
LifeBuilder Series: Women of the New Testament, Phyllis J Lepeau
12 studies for small groups or individuals
LifeBuilder Series: Nehemiah - The Courage to Face Opposition, Don Fields
12 studies for small groups or individuals
LifeBuilder Series: Psalms - Prayer of the Heart, Eugene Peterson
12 studies for small groups or individuals
LifeBuilder Series: Jonah Joel & Amos, Doug & Doris Haugen
14 studies for small groups or individuals
LifeBuilder Series: Revelation - The Triumph of God, R Paul Stevens
10 studies for small groups or individuals
LifeBuilder Series: Meeting The Spirit, Douglas Connelly
LifeBuilder Series: Busyness - Finding God in the Whirlwind, Juanita Ryan
7 sessions for small groups or personal use
Cover to Cover: David - A Man After God's Own Heart, Claire Musters
7 sessions for small groups or personal use
Cover to Cover: 23rd Psalm - The Lord is My Shepherd, Selwyn Hughes
7 sessions for small groups or personal use
Cover to Cover: Nehemiah - Principles for Life, Selwyn Hughes
7 sessions for small groups or personal use
Cover to Cover: Names of God, Mary Evans
Cover to Cover: The Holy Spirit - Understanding and Experiencing Him, Selwyn Hughes
7 sessions for small groups or for personal use
Cover To Cover: The Cover to Cover: The Prodigal Son - Amazing grace, Rob Frost
7 sessions for small groups or personal use
Cover to Cover: Acts 1-12 - Church on the Move, Christine Platt
7 sessions for small groups or for personal use
Cover to Cover: Acts 13-28 - To the Ends of the Earth, Christine Platt
Cover to Cover: 1 Peter - Good Reasons for Hope, David Edwins
7 sessions for small groups or for personal use
Cover to Cover: Rivers of Justice - Responding to God's Call to Righteousness Today, Ruth Valerio
7 sessions for small groups or for personal use
Cover to Cover: Violence Against Women - Discovering El Roi, The God Who Sees,